During the first session of The Saturdays a 50×50 cm painting was developed that reminded me of a fragment of a pingpong table. The social design of this game litterally offered me a playground both relating to the content as visually, wherein I could search in a visual manner. It contained a space wherein my ideas about the art of painting extended themselves. This is because I can still visually face the challenge with Modernism, when spoken of depth and surface, but where it still exists on the same level as daily life. The art of painting suddenly was something that couldnt be brought to a logical conclusion, not ending and turned inward, but rather something that always co-exists with something else next to it.
For me, this installation is a meeting point where different disciplines come together (the art of painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture). I see the whole as a three-dimensional painting that cooperates with the space on a rhytmic level. Most materials are bought at the hardware store, except the two pieces of playwood on the floor. These are leftover pieces I found on the street in Brussels. Thereupon I put a cut out piece of lacquered fibreglass wallpaper.