The Cucumber Temple

Concept and Organization Mfa AKV|St.Joost students

WithDanni van Amstel (NL), Katrein Breukers (NL), Tyas Leeuwerink (NL), Maud Oonk (NL), Mohadeseh Rahimitabar (IR), Maarten Spons (NL)

LocationExpoplu, Nijmegen, NL


LinksPublication, Interview

The Cucum­ber Temple is an ex­hib­iti­on with­in a text by Ma­rtijn in ‘t Veld. This ex­hib­iti­on came to pass dur­ing my Mas­ter of Fine Arts stud­ies (AKV|St.Jo­ost). It con­nects to the project Tijd, Subject en Ruimte (Time, Subject and Space) of Be­lgium a­rtist Stijn van Dorpe, pre­vi­ously shown at Expoplu.

I showed two works, that were in­stalled as one re­cur­sive (self re­peat­ing) im­age with­in the con­text of the ex­hib­iti­on.

  1. I'm Dre­a­ming con­sists of two PVC ban­ners with print­ed screenshots from the Ike­a ap­pli­ca­ti­on used to vir­tual­ly fur­nish your home. I used this ap­pli­ca­ti­on to in­stall an im­ag­i­na­r­y ex­hib­iti­on of se­lected kitch­en el­e­ments in Expoplu. From up close, the print is made up out of la­rge pix­els.
  2. Antoine (kitch­en block) or­i­gina­tes most­ly from Ike­a, with exce­p­ti­on of the Prax­is top. The stick­ers a­re prints of co­l­lab­o­rative works, see project The Sat­ur­days. The kitch­en block was con­nected to the wat­er sup­ply and could be used by the pub­lic. With this work I pre­sent my­self more vis­i­ble as be­fore with­in mul­ti­ple ro­les: a­rtist, pa­inter, con­sum­er, DIYer, and host.