Things Are Cooking in Our Kitchen

Initiated by Maarten Spons

With Ide André, Dirk Bours, Mischa Doorenweerd, Willem de Haan, Jeroen Jaenen, Willem van Kempen, Ruben Mols, Maarten Spons, Thomas Swinkels

Location Greylight Projects, Hoensbroek, NL

Date 03.04.–16.04.2015

LinksExhibition Website

For Things Are Cooking in Our Kitchen I in­vit­ed eight young a­rtists, with whom I feel a­rtisti­cal­ly con­nected, to ex­plore the pos­si­bil­i­ty of work­ing co­l­lab­o­ratively in rela­ti­on to the a­rt of pa­inting and sculp­ture. The struc­ture, ma­teri­al, and con­tent of the kitch­en func­ti­oned as an ini­tial con­text to work with. During the two week work­ing pe­ri­od, pa­r­tic­i­pants came by spo­rad­ical­ly.

The spe­cif­ic lo­ca­ti­on of Greylight Projects Hoensbroek had an im­pact on our ac­ti­ons. Ad­jacent is the for­mer town hall with founta­in, not used since 1996-8. During the pre­sentati­on we re­vealed a tem­po­ra­ry founta­in and we in­vit­ed peo­ple of the neigh­bourho­od, fa­mily, friends, ac­qua­intances and a­rt lov­ers to eat pan­cakes ma­king use of our a­rt in­stal­la­ti­on of a kitch­en insi­de and sit­ting on the height­ened flo­or in­stal­la­ti­on we had built.

Hans Duzijn, neigh­bour of Greylight Projects and own­er of Sterme­diastore Hoensbroek de­signed the wall­pa­per and post­er for the in­stal­la­ti­on.